LED Cube v1
This project is an exercise in representing the real world with LEDs arranged in a cube. Normally, 3D space is represented in a screen based environment. The goal with this project is to create the same effect in a physical environment.
Using video as the input, the computer takes the image, reconstructs the data and displays it in the cube. The project is composed of 1,000 LEDs mounted in plexiglass. The computer processes live video and sends a low resolution version to a central microchip. This microchip distributes the video data to other microchips, which turn on the appropriate LEDs.
This piece is a working low-resolution prototype for a true three dimensional display unit. As three dimensional imaging becomes more and more popular, a device that can display information spatially is more imperative. A three dimensional display unit will better represent data than the flattened displays of TV, film, or print.
Acrylic, LEDs, Custom Electronics
H: 6’ W: 3” D: 3’