Ambiguous, 2024
What the viewer perceives in the work is not what is being presented, but rather what the viewer is projecting onto the work. In the same sense that the viewer’s mind completes the low resolution images, their perception decides what the work is presenting in that moment. Where the work…

Resonance of Silence, 2023
“Resonance of Silence: Contemplative Evolution” merges the mysterious influence of the Monolith from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey with ideas explored in Erik Davis’s TechGnosis. The artwork emulates the Monolith’s role as a catalyst for profound leaps in understanding and capability. Through its calculated serenity and evocative visuals, the…
Photocopy? Photosexy!, 2023
“Photocopy? Photosexy!” highlights the profound influence of the “copy”, mirroring Walter Benjamin’s insights into the potential of mechanical reproduction. Beginning with an original photocopy of a photograph, we immediately ensure accessibility for a broader audience. The copy is, however, copied and evolves through generative AI processes, reshaping the image. This…
Haesangmyeongbudo, 2023
‘해상명부도’(Haesangmyeongbudo) is an eight-panel folding screen painting by an unknown author from the late Joseon Dynasty. 해상(‘Haesang) means ‘on the sea’ and 명부도 (Myeongbudo) means ‘a picture depicting the afterlife’, so it means ‘a picture depicting the afterlife on the sea’. These are excerpts from a dance interpretation of the…
A Poem, Seen by the Machine, 2023
"A Poem Seen by the Machine - 2023“ is a followup AI-generated video work that explores the fascinating interplay of artificial intelligence, poetry, and human creativity. This piece presents a second version of Richard Brautigan's iconic poem, "All watched over by machines of loving grace," crafted by AI technologies separated…
Collectivus Vigoros, 2022
Communities are living organisms. They are alive through the people. These members are the blood, the cells, the bones, the muscle, sinew and ligament. Life is not an object or even material in nature. It is ordered and unordered, unorganized, and sometimes, a beautiful mess of data, and others a…
Slow Line, 2022
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The most enjoyable distance between two points is a slow line. We may know the point A and the point B, however we will never know what shape the line will take. Spending our time going from A to B…
That Metaverse Vibe, 2022
When we first dive into the metaverse and other novel technologies, our initial reaction is awe. Yet, as the layers peel back, we quickly transition from wonder to dread, seeing the darker facets they hold. This pattern, which has emerged in everything from social media to platforms like Chat GTP…
Similar but not the Same, 2021
When asked to remember an image, the Machine came very close. Attempt after attempt was made to accurately remember and reconstruct the image of a woman who never existed. After Trying 1000 times and 1000 more the Machine failed consistently. Close so close it came to accurately remembering, reconstructing with…
Change, 2021
This piece is about change. Change is good. Though it brings discomfort, it also brings growth, understanding, and the strength to adapt to a world with an always changing tune, whose name we do not know, yet still dance to it. This piece embodies this spirit of constant change. Each…
A Poem Seen by The Machine, 2021
The 1967 poem “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” by Richard Brautigan, expressed the feeling of enthusiasm about the oncoming digital revolution where we would be democratized through computing power. No longer would we suffer from scarcity or injustice. The Machine could take care of everything bringing our…
Embodiment, 2021
This series depicts experience incarnated as portraits. Each portrait, encompassing the light and the dark, the glorious and the hideous, the good and the evil, provides an answer to the question “What is the physical form of a period of time?” emphasizing the largeness of what is and the natural…
Journey in a Box, 2020
Travel is an interesting thing to contemplate. Mostly we take it for granted that we can go from A to B with all the conveniences of staying at home. We have a place to sit, food, and a television. In this sense, where we take the comforts of home wherever…
My Fat Head, 2017
When it is said that someone has a fat head, we are saying they have an exaggerated ego. Our sense of self, is more often than not, different from how we are perceived by others. This is an opportunity for a machine, devoid of personal opinion, bias, and self interest,…
You See This Because I Let You, 2016
Digital content, the internet, big data was supposed to set us free, make us equal, harbor in a new age for everyone. This quickly became a falsehood. Digital data immediately became the property of large corporations and governments. You See This Because I Let You presents information through a commonly…
Less Books More Reading, 2016
Content consumption is entirely different than in the heyday of the book. At one time, reading books was considered a form of mental illness; the practice came into fashion; now it is being replaced with screens. 27 hardcover books were tossed in the garbage. The content of these volumes covered…
L7 Hotel, MyeongDong, Seoul, 2016
For the new L7 Hotel in MyeongDong Seoul, South Korea, Holoubek collected a wide variety of found and personal objects relating to travel and Korean culture. He sealed them from the elements with the intention of creating a disconnect between the viewer and the particular object. By sealing each object…
Substitute Teacher, 2015
Everyone learns differently. Education is evolving. Our accessibility to information surpasses anything we have ever seen. Our copy and paste society replaces discovery and contemplate. Internet content is gathered on a variety of subjects. Regard- less of its pertinence or factualness, it is presented across 16 high school desks as…
Empathy, 2014
Consuming the written word is a different experience since the introduction of digital technologies. The act of reading itself is a new experience. Empathy changes the experience. “Ringworld” by Larry Niven, is one of science fiction’s land- mark publications. In “Ringworld”, the main character discovers an artifact in deep space.…
Beauty of Imperfection 2, 2014
The idea of perfection is a construct of the mind, and an impossible goal. For every individual has their own idea about what is perfect. It is the aspects that are imperfect, the flaws, that make something or someone unique and special, and in turn, beautiful. Beauty of Imperfection 2…
Comfort Zone, 2013
The kinetic energy between two people is a mysterious space that exists in a constant state of flux. Each individual’s comfort level depends on the environment and other individuals nearby. Comfort Zone uses sonar technology to determine the presence of an individual. Initially inviting the them to approach. Using the…
Safe Place, 2012
Technology isolates under the guise of connecting. Where does loneliness originate and how do we deal with it when we don’t have the same social tools as do others or that these tools simply cease to function? We turn to technology. Psychologist Otto Rank speaks of the hidden feeling behind…
Hermetically Sealed, 2011
It’s good to take a break from things. The real things. Our tools, our crutches, ourselves. Our definition includes the things we acquire. A souvenir, a token, a placeholder so we don’t forget. Tangible items hold something for everyone. Maybe it’s a photo,maybe it’s a rock. Some of these objects…
No Video Input, 2009
(Collaboration with Niklas Roy and Benjamin Galoun) We need to feed our technology. Not only with content, but with other pieces of technology. The disassembly, modifying and reassembly of the elements that make up the piece “No Video Input” reminds us that the technology that completes our lives, also needs…
100% Trash, 2009
(Collaboration with Niklas Roy and Benjamin Galoun) 100% trash seeks the prove what we can create with discarded materials thought to be useless. Every day we throw away useful items. These items can be repurposed, given a new life, seen as something different: something useful. 100% trash consists of disparate…
Meat Clocks, 2009
When interface grows beyond the familiar, into ingrained cultural knowledge, what part of that interface becomes extraneous? In this series of pieces the traditional clock face is used as an example interface. Utilizing this familiar format the traditional information, numbers that representing the hours, minutes, and seconds, are replaced with…
RA, 2007
Kinetic motion possesses a hypnotic effect. This is most effective when the motion is induced organically. This effect is amplified by the motion of not one but many objects of the same dimensions and material. 440 pieces of paper printed with a portion of the entire image are suspended within…
5 Volt Clock, 2006
The concept of time is a construction of man’s imagination. It is regarded as an invisible guideline for our lives. As a result we slaves counting the hours, minutes, and seconds. Rather than counting, which leads to all manner of behaviors, I will measure the time with the 5 volt…
LED Cube v1, 2002
This project is an exercise in representing the real world with LEDs arranged in a cube. Normally, 3D space is represented in a screen based environment. The goal with this project is to create the same effect in a physical environment. Using video as the input, the computer takes the…